Apply for WorkStore Post

Only users with selling account can apply for available jobs on the WorkStore.

How to apply for a WorkStore job

To apply for a WorkStore job, follow these steps.

  1. Click on WorkStore on the navigation bar

    Apply for Gigs
  2. Click on the job you want to apply for.

    Note: There are 4 status of the jobs on the WorkStore.
  • OPEN – The job is still available, and you can apply for it.
  • INTERVIEW – The buyer is interviewing sellers who have applied. The buyer can choose to reopen the job for other sellers to apply. You can check on such jobs again until it is TAKEN.
  • TAKEN – The buyer has selected their preferred freelancer for the task.
  • COMPLETED – The job has been completed by the selected freelancer.


  1. On the selected job page, click Apply

    Apply for Gigs on WorkStore

Note: only freelancers that are within the selected category of the job can apply for it.

  1. Select a reply method, either ‘Send Quote’ or ‘Send Message’

    Apply for Gigs on WorkStore

    If you click on “Send Quote”, the quotation form will pop up for you to send a quote to the client instantly. If you click on “Send Message” a reply message box will pop up for you to send a message to the client instantly.
  2. Client’s response to your quote or messages will be via chat. You can go back to your chat page to check client’s response. You will get a mail when a client responds to your message.