Building Your Profile

  1. Select which Category describes your skillset.

    Seller profile building

  2. Select the type of Service you want to sell 
  3. In the Work field, describe what you want to offer. Be explicit.

    Seller profile building

  4. In the Description field, write more details about your work.

    Seller profile building

  5. In the Work Packages field, describe the packages you are offering, the price, and the duration for each package. If you need to add more packages, Click Add Package

    Seller profile building
  6. Click Next to continue
  7. In the Skills field add 1 – 6 keywords or phrases that best describe the profile. For example, ‘Website Development’. Click Next

Note: This helps you rank when clients search for services using keywords.  

          Seller profile building

  1. Select the Delivery Type for the service and click Next
  2. In the Work Label field input a few characters that summarize your work. Click Next

    Seller profile building

  3. In the Work Media field upload images relayed to your work. These can be images from previous jobs. Click on Choose File, select the image you want to upload.

    Best Practice: Upload up to three photos that describe or relate to your Gig. Each image should be in JPEG, PNG, or GIF.  The work must have at least one image uploaded to be published. 

    Seller profile building

  1. Click Preview to preview the profile. 

    Seller profile building

  2. Close the preview and click Finish

    Seller profile building

  3. Click Ok

    Seller profile building
  4. Update your About section. Write about yourself, sell yourself to clients. Click Submit

    Seller profile building
  5. Ensure you update your profile picture.